Oliver, an 11-year-old boy thrown out of his home by his abusive stepfather, joins a gang of street children and is exposed to narcotics, violence and sexual predators, and the world of crime seems to be the only road available.
"Punto y raya" is the story of a young Colombian recruit who, while patrolling his country's border, is befriended by a Venezuelan adversary, and the tragic consequences of their relationship.
08奥斯卡最佳外语片委内瑞拉参赛片。影片跟着两个小孩一起回到了上个世纪60年代的委内瑞拉,通过他们,我们看到这场残酷的内战和战争中生存着的人们。http://www.postalesdeleningrado.com/In her introduction, director Mariana Rondón thanked the countries of Venezuela and Peru for fund…