- A “narrative” film centered on young artists living in New York City around 1979. The film is about a certain stage in the development of a young artist confronting the real world in terms of her own idealistic notions of what art is suppo…
- 「俺はあなたが好きだ!」「僕も君が好きだよ」しかし、同じ気持ち過ぎるからうまくいかない恋もある。相手を受け入れるのではなく、性格的に攻め込みたい緒方×高杉。けれど、心がウルウルと幸せを欲しがって、思わず川を渡りたくなる夜もある。ああ、この恋の顛末やいかに?内容(「DVD NAVIGATOR」データベースより)男同士の愛をコミカルに…
- Rock star Charlotte Smith quits at the height of her fame and buys the American diner on the outskirts of her home town so she can settle down with her builder boyfriend David Doyle. He invites his daft elder brother Kidder to become the chef while the nervous Ronnie gives up her life as "Charlotte" in a copy…
- Gary Coleman, star of NBC's prime-time hit Diff'rent Strokes, was also the star of this Saturday morning cartoon show. The half-hour series was based on Coleman's made-for-TV movie "The Kid with the Broken Halo," and featured Coleman as Andy LeBeau, an apprentice angel who was dispatched back to Earth to earn…