- A special programme celebrating the 100th birthday of the iconic singer, recalling highlights from her career - from first taking to the stage in the 1920s to topping the UK charts in 2009.
- "Soil Is Alive" è un progetto d’animazione di Beatrice Pucci che affronta il tema del suolo come risorsa limitata.
- A mother and her son is runnings a rundown restaurant and are trying to keep up the appearance of glory days. But the staff is not pleased with their terms and the owners are not pleased with the staff, and above all this, personal problems and disagreements affects the atmosphere. At the end of the night it is more wa…
- 璃星(佐仓绫音 配音)个性活泼开朗,对甜食有着超越了一般人的狂热。蓝璃(日高里菜 配音)容易沉浸在自己的世界里,外表沉默寡言的她是个容易害羞的女孩。情同手足的姐妹两人和哥哥(松冈祯丞 配音)生活在同一屋檐下,在哥哥的照料和保护之下,璃星和蓝璃的每一天都在快乐中度过。超级吃货真子(高森奈津美 配音)、非常擅长料理家事但对烹饪…
- An office located in the California desert has a self-imposed objective that is no less far out: narrative landscaping. The abbreviation for the office is ‘O.N.L.S.D’ which makes one of the office rules very clear: you must be on LSD. Eden…
- A series of benefit concerts to raise money for Amnesty International. Performances include comedy skits and musical numbers by a varied cast of mostly British performers. Featuring several Monty Python members, Rowan Atkinson, and Peter Cook.