搜索 Òscar

  • The tenements are home to an international community, including the friends and family of a tough young ragamuffin named Annie Rooney, but their neighborhood may be threatened by a dangerous street gang.
  • 电影动作
  • Winner of the Grand Jury Award for Best Short Film, director Oscar Perez based PACIFIER on a letter he wrote to "Penthouse Forum" as a thirteen-year old. PACIFIER offers amazing insight into the mind of an adolescent boy. Playing like a campy condensed version of a Cinemax softcore movie, the narration of PAC…
  • Anna regresa de África, donde ha trabajado dos años como cooperante en una ONG, y ahora trabaja como guardia de seguridad en un exclusivo centro de salud a las afueras de Barcelona. Al romper con su marido e irse de casa, un compañero de t…
  • 1939年,西班牙内战处在焦灼中,停靠在码头的货船斯坦布鲁克号成了难民唯一的指望。影片以黑白影像重现了那段历史,从底层民众视角呈现战争给人类带来的苦难,结尾突然出现的彩色与前面的压抑氛围形成鲜明对比,给角色和观众带来了希望。
  • A group of flight passengers stuck in a resort island where they are forced to face their own demons of greed, hatred and delusion. A rich couple getting lost in the forest while searching for their dog. When the wife accidentally falls down a slope, the husband chooses to let her fall and die. A widower helps a woman …
  • 玛格丽特是个内敛的女孩,她略显笨拙,不太有安全感。她不喜欢引人注意,也不善于与他人交往。《任爱发生》似乎是一本记录玛格丽特与朋友们喜怒哀乐的日记。在当代米兰的背景下,四个少年分享一切事物:从拂晓的米兰到屋顶的避难所,从蓝色运动鞋到牛仔衬衣,还有校园生活,甚至是初吻……当然,还有更多的事正在萌生:那些仅产生于青春时期的爱…