好比中國古代詩歌的「險韻」般的新奇與刁鑽,錄像機和錄像帶也有各式各樣離奇的信號、視像、介質轉換等的表現形式。儘管錄像機和錄像帶正站在歷史舞台的懸崖位置,但依然蘊含著一些驚險的、刺激的和鮮為人知的。 Just like the "obscure (dangerous) rhymes" of ancient Chinese poetry, which are n…
该项目将由韩国和泰国合作,故事由两国的两位主角主演。 韩国欧巴 Sangmin 十多年后重返泰国。他与老朋友 Dinneaw 重逢,后者现在已是一位英俊的年轻人。他们之间兄弟般的情谊开始发展成更深厚的关系。 The project will be a collaboration between Korea and Thailand as the story features two lea…
Benz Sangalang stars as Boy Kaldag, a man infamous for his massive manhood—a gift that drives women wild and sparks envy among men. As his legend grows, Boy Kaldag plunges into a world of lust and chaos that comes with being so well-endowe…