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  • When Steve Emery arrives in Trinidad at the urgent request of his brother, he is stunned to find that his brother has not only been murdered, but that his brother's wife Chris is succumbing to the seduction attempts of the man who www.qujuji.com quite possibly is the murderer. His feelings are further exacerbated when …
  • A Greek artisan is commissioned to cast the cup of Christ in silver, and sculpt around its rim, the faces of the disciples and Jesus. He travels to Jerusalem and eventually to Rome to complete the task. Meanwhile, a nefarious interloper is trying to convince the crowds that he is the new Messiah, by using nothing more …
  • 男主角鲍里斯本是一个俄国移民后来成为了一个好莱坞的制片人,与此同时因为他的社会关系被前苏联的特工机构看中,利用他对还在前苏联的兄弟(其实已经不存在)的牵挂使他成为了一个前苏联的间谍,后被美国政府策反又成为了一名美国间谍。。。这部电影是根据真实事件写成的小说改编而来原形就是 Boris Morros,这人在好莱坞有一家小型的制片厂和…
  • 朝战期间,美国陆军工程师普赖尔中尉所在部队,被分配到希腊军队中,配合希腊军队进行作战,他们由开始互相不信任,不合作,经过残酷的战斗,变得相互理解,互相配合,亲密无间