- Frida and Simon are in a relationship, but something has changed where they must make a decision. Can they live without each other or will they fight for intimacy. They find themselves wishing for change, yet that wish stands in the way of their wish to hold on to the past. You are caught in this moment and through you…
- With a great cast featuring Stuart Whitman, John Saxon, Martin Landau, AND Tisa Farrow this film glides with the greatest of ease. STRANGE SHADOWS IN AN EMPTY ROOM is sort of a cross between the Italian crime/police potboiler and your average giallo thriller. An interesting and fun blend it is. I'd rather not give too …
- 安德烈波伽利出生于意大利托斯坎纳,12岁意外全盲,但他却从比萨大学法律系毕业,并成为获得国家资格的辩护律师。虽可执业,但他心醉于歌剧与传统意大利音乐,并拜师于义大利传奇男高音Franco Corelli门下,1992年帕瓦洛蒂初闻波伽利歌声,对世人推荐这是一个不可多得的伟大男高音的诞生,自此奠定了波伽利的音乐地位。突破6000万总销售天量…