- A gang of Thai American hip hopster home boys in Los Angeles are working for an older Thai mob boss selling drugs and doing any sort of crime they can. Their boss is as ruthless as the older "godfather" if not more so.One of the gang members is the son of a middle class Thai family who has a Thai restaurant. …
- 17岁青春盛开,17年从未缺席,第17届音乐风云榜年度盛典风华再启,集结乐坛顶级音乐人,汇聚娱乐圈超级偶像,引爆全球流行新风尚,不做墨守成规的守望者,专注有态度的青春领路人,4月9日深圳春茧体育馆,因乐不凡,青春无敌,如期而至,邀你准时赴约!