- Willy Ferriere is dead broke and his mistress costs a lot. One day, he says in a pub that he would give 100,000 francs to get rid of his wealthy aunt. Someone lets him know it's a deal. The aunt is murdered, and a poor chap is manipulated to be the perfect suspect. But Superintendant Maigret feels something is wrong.
- This film tells the story of a few uneventful days in the life of six pals. Lali, a great fan of America, owns a sandwich stand on the side of the road, called The Glass Tiger. Gaben pinches cars; Fox is a petty swindler; Sanyi a half-wit homeless; Coco can't shut up about getting some dough and going to America; Slimm…
- 在1935年那個艱苦的時代,黑市猖獗,社會風氣極度敗壞。Ivan Lapchine是犯罪刑事局的領導,愛上一個叫Natacha的女演員,她剛搬到與Ivan同一個社區居住。雖然他對Natacha一片癡情,但她喜歡的卻是Ivan的朋友Khanine。Ivan在工作上是一個鐵血無情的狠角色,但私底下卻無法向自己所愛的女人表達愛意。像是要為《Chekpoint》遭到禁演復仇似…
- In Italy, in the early nineteenth century, during the Napoleonic campaigns, seven French soldiers, along with a noble daughter have various love affairs, Bacchus and war."The Adventures of Napoleonic grenadiers coast garrisoned in an Italian village full of clever girls. Among them, Carlotta (Tolo crooked!) Ready-…