- 星(安志杰 饰)生性嗜血残暴,冷酷无情。某日,觊觎皇位已久的他终于下手将皇帝杀死,不仅如此,还试图戕害公主莲(刘亦菲 饰)和她的弟弟昭(苏嘉航 饰)。无奈之下,手无寸铁的莲带着弟弟踏上了逃亡的旅途。雅各布(海登·克里斯滕森 Hayden Christensen 饰)是一位骁勇善战的英国骑士,千里迢迢来到东方国度的他,只为了能够逃离曾经战争带…
- Although honors came late in life to Jorge Luis Borges, his unique worldview had begun to emerge even as a child. This program examines the life and literary career of the charismatic Argentine writer, as well as the thematic, symbolic, and mythological underpinnings of his works. Archival interviews with Borges; his m…
- Deeks disappears while on an undercover assignment for the LAPD; Hetty offers help, so Callen and company lend a hand; Eric follows a trace to a Serbian bad guy; Deeks shows up and solves the case, and the team get him out of a tight spot.