- 年老的布努埃尔从客人口中听说了一个故事:所罗门王的圆桌可以照出任何人的灵魂,从而窥探过去、现在与未来,圆桌最后出现的地方在托莱多。看着桌上的演员照片,布努埃尔神智恍惚,开始构思一部电影,而他所遇见的人和物,不断填充进电影的剧情。年轻时代的布努埃尔(Pere Arquillué 饰)、达利(Ernesto Alterio 饰)与费德里克·洛卡正相聚…
- A Great and Complex Romance About Love, Ignorance, Corruption and Intolerance. In 1928, in a revolutionary Mexico, in the small village of Progreso nearby the harbor in the district of Yucatan, Eliseo (Daniel Acuna) is the son of a violent stevedore, who is one of the founders of the local Union. The boy has a sister, …
- The story is very basic; it deals with the adventures of young street-criminals in Madrid who graduate from car-theft to bank-robbery. What's interesting is the way Saura makes us care about these "hijos de nadie", who are kind and decent people 50% of the time, and feel they have no future in regular society…