- Hard-boiled archeologist Mark Brandon is searching for ancient tombs in Egypt when he is approached by beautiful Ann Mercedes, who convinces him to help her fulfill her deceased father's life's ambition - to provide solid proof of the biblical Joseph's travels in ancient Egypt. As an ex-pupil of Ann's father Mark accep…
- 德国早期默片Die Herrin der Welt (英文名Mistress of the World)系列(1919-1920, 共8部)的重拍版。讲一位瑞典科学家发明一种强大的机器,中国间谍企图夺取机器,瑞典政府派出两名特工反击。Professor Johansson has made a huge scientific breakthrough; a device that will create a hu…
- 故事发生在秘鲁,驻扎在这里的士兵们因为空虚寂寞,常常犯下惨绝人寰的强奸罪行,在当地引起了极大的舆论谴责和不满。为了安抚军心和民心,潘达雷昂上尉(萨尔瓦多·德·索拉 Salvador del Solar) 饰被派往那里解决问题,而解决问题的方法,竟然是在当地建立军中流动妓院,让士兵们压抑的欲望有一个安全而又合理的地方发泄。潘达雷昂上尉的努力…