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  • 在这个故事中,哈洛开始在电影中作为一个集敷料,漂亮的女孩谁是用于魅力拍摄。拒绝下工作的潜规则,她发现她很快就被列入黑名单,从行业。但是一个叫亚瑟的经纪人看到了一些在冉,并开始代表她。很长一段时间,工作是稀缺的,主要是在低预算的喜剧中接受这个派的。但亚瑟的信仰,让从来没有动摇,当她终于毕业生特色的角色,评论家说她不能行动…
  • 在四季如春的墨西哥湾,人们都喜欢来这里度假消闲。但是可怕的灾害突然降临了,来势汹汹19-21级的飓风引发了超级海啸,150英尺的巨浪正在迎面袭来,人们四处逃避,一艘游艇载满了游客突然发生了故障来不及避难,此时一架客机也进入了暴风范围因而失控迫降在海面上,乘客争相逃出机舱,除了寒冷,饥饿,远离海岸,他们载浮载沉,尸体漂浮在海上,…
  • George Peppard plays a hard-driven industrialist more than a little reminiscent of Howard Hughes.  While he builds airplanes, directs movies and breaks hearts, his friends and lovers try to reach his human side, and find that it's an uphil…
  • 西部开拓史(How the West Was Won)是一部1962年的史诗型式西部片。时间设定为1839年至1889年。情节是拓荒者普莱史考特一家人四代的故事,旁及各相关人事物;从中呈现半个世纪的美国西部历史。此片气势雄浑壮阔,编剧、取景、摄影、配乐、音效、导演、演员 阵容,各方面俱臻上乘水平。全片包括5个部分:《急流》、《平原》、《非法之徒》,由亨…
  • A wealthy Englishman finds his third wife dead. After the police discover that his first two wives had also died suddenly, an investigation is launched. Meanwhile, a new neighbour moves in and she seems to become very interested in Arthur.
  • Living in Tiger Tail County, Mississippi, middle aged Archie Lee Meighan and nineteen year old Baby Doll Meighan née McCargo have been married for close to two years. Their marriage is not based on love, but each getting what they want fro…
  • This early 70's giallo by Umberto Lenzi is certainly among the best in his filmography and also in the whole genre. Personally I think Lenzi's best films are the funny cartoon-turned-film Kriminal, the stylish giallo Seven Blood-Stained Orchids, the explosive Napoli violenta and this. In the eighties he did plenty of f…
  • This film is an extremely entertaining psychological thriller with Carrol Baker excellent as a rich American widow getting away from it all at a secluded Italian villa. Enter smart aleck down on his luck playboy, Lou Castel, who has some golddigging motives behind his slick hipster seduction techniques and has no qualm…