马西(加维埃尔·卡马拉 Javier Cámara 饰)是在马德里经营餐厅的基佬大厨,他毕生都渴望获得米其林美食评审的肯定。眼看这一天即将临近,但前妻的意外去世将一切打乱。两个古灵精怪的孩子住了进来,隔壁搬来一位对他频频放电的金发足球明星,无端端被拉入一段三人感情关系,加上员工隔三岔五的出状况......所有人好像齐约好似的,将他折磨得分…
37岁的男子埃尔维(Hervé P. Gustave 饰)是专门拍摄成人影片的演员,并有一个奇怪的昵称“保险套人”。他渐渐厌倦了这份工作,希望能彻底跳脱这里进入主流电影圈。他对自己的演技自信慢慢,然而事与愿违,转型之路艰辛坎坷,他很难得到主流电影圈的认同。万分苦恼之时,埃尔维邂逅了一个五颜六色、纹身穿钉的另类女演员——LZA(Elsa …
Marcia Grey is wrongly convicted on trumped-up evidence of a German. After serving her term, she rebuilds her life and marries well. The German then attempts to blackmail her into helping the German cause during WWI.
Grace Quigley is nearing the end of her life, living alone in her New York apartment. One day she witnesses a murder being committed by top hit-man, Seymour Flint. She decides to blackmail him into killing her, however, she has one or two friends he has to get rid of first.—Col Needham