- 继昨日金球奖梅姨炮轰特朗普后,圣丹斯电影节又宣布把一部讲述特朗普的纪录片《特朗普:如何成为美国最招黑的政治家》加入电影节展映片单。该片全程跟踪拍摄特朗普竞选过程,讲述了这位商业大亨如何成为美国“最招人讨厌的总统”。电影将于1月27日在圣丹斯电影节期间首映。
- Oscar-winning filmmaker Michael Moore dives right into hostile territory with his daring and hilarious one-man show, deep in the heart of TrumpLand in the weeks before the 2016 election. 2016美国总统选战正酣之际,迈克摩尔带着他的个人秀深入最支持特朗普的地区进行表演,并记录下了整个过程。 摩尔之前就 “警告大家特朗普有可能获胜”。早前,他就向公众宣布自己在十月份会有大动作,并且在 Facebook 上说自己要去俄亥俄威明顿市的一个 “共和党小…
- The dueling stories of Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump as they battle for the presidency.Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump are two of the most polarizing presidential candidates in modern history. Veteran FRONTLINE filmmaker Michael Kirk goes beyond the headlines to investigate what has shaped these two candidates, whe…