- 命运对陀思妥耶夫斯基是残酷的, 他总是在痛苦中受煎熬: 不久前, 他的妻子去世, 他都没赶上安葬她, 如今, 他的弟弟又离开了人间.他欠下一身债, 连房租都交不起, 家里值点钱的东西都变卖了, 一个投机出版商斯切尔洛夫斯基乘人之危, 逼迫陀思妥耶夫斯基与他签订合同: 限定陀思妥耶夫斯基在26 天内, 也就是11 月1 日之前交出一部小说的文稿,…
- The film is set in 1943 in a mental asylum in the country. But this is an unusual hospital: there are several incurable schizophrenic cases, staff is bit strange and a writer has voluntarily entered the clinic because he is "peculiar" and a drug addict. Then the German Gestapo arrives. The commandant asks for…
- A sequel to "Vabank" , introduces the same characters entangled in a duel between a former safecracker and a crooked bank manager. Imprisoned ex-banker Kramer breaks out with the help of recently released accomplice and wants to get even with his nemesis, Kwinto. Kwinto calls up the old gang to respond to thi…