- The story follows Noree, the granddaughter of the city's number one matchmaker, Grandma Thaep, who has to find a partner for Khun Rit, aka Phra Ritthirongranyuth, the head of the police department. The part that www.inpian.com Noree finds suspicious and challenging is the fact that Khun Rit is 40 years old and has stay…
- 普恩是一家受欢迎的面包店的英俊老板,也是一位亿万富翁的儿子。他成功的原因之一是威尔,绰号“糕点之神”。由于他的技能,来自各地的女性不断光顾他的商店,即使韦尔不是很感兴趣。克拉伊特在韦尔手下当学徒和普通商店员工。最后还有维尼;他是普恩的私人保镖,工作当服务员,但他不太擅长。不过,每个人都有自己的秘密。当记者杰米深入挖掘他…