- 法国一代歌王塞吉·甘斯布的传记片《歌王传》于19日在巴黎开拍,影片导演是以奇思妙想著称的漫画家尤安·史法。该片是好莱坞环球影业投拍的第一部法语对白电影,拍摄周期为13个星期,预定在2010年上映。《歌王传》是继《玫瑰人生》和《艺术先锋香奈尔》之后又一部备受瞩目的传记大片。影片将从二战期间巴黎街头一个名叫卢锡安·金斯布的犹太男孩…
- This is the second installment of a three-part series of autobiographical films about the director's life. The first, which won various awards for its maker, was entitled Zamri Oumi Voskresni and was later retitled Zari, Umri, Vokresni ("Freeze, Die, Come to Life!").At the end of that film, set at the conclus…
- This film does not deal with Chernobyl, but rather with the world of Chernobyl, about which we know very little. Eyewitness reports have survived: scientists, teachers, journalists, couples, children... They tell of their old daily lives, then of the catastrophe. Their voices form a long, terrible but necessary supplic…