- Emilia, who suffers from a terminal illness, embarks on a journey with her best friend Violeta. On their way they meet Mark, who claims to be an alien on a mission to destroy the planet for considering humanity (and love) a virus. However, Mark begins to doubt his mission falling in love with Emilia.
- 《毒枭:墨西哥》第 2 季继续讲述米格尔·安赫尔·费利斯·加拉多的故事,他现在是墨西哥第一大贩毒集团(瓜达拉哈拉贩毒集团)的教父,一直在努力保持对各方势力的掌控,发展自己的帝国,在成为教父的路上不断调和所面对的背叛与牺牲。随着贩毒集团不同“广场”之间的摩擦加剧,费利斯对局势的掌控也随之减弱。同时,贩毒集团手上的血债(缉毒…