- It is Boxing Day in the Brockman household and Santa has paid a visit, along with some burglars.Seven-year-old Karen is obsessing over a missing hamster, nine-year-old Ben is causing havoc with a mechanical hand, Jake and Mum are trying to find Grandad, and Dad is preparing for dinner guests - some welcome, some not.
- After threatening to expose secrets of other parents at Midsomer Pastures school single mum Debbie Moffett is lured by a phone call to her death in the dairy where she worked. She had been having an affair with Oliver Ordish,whose wife Beatrix was chair of the school's PTA,and when he too is killed Beatrix is the prime…
- 又是一年情人节,遭到流放的自大狂朱利安正和忠实的莫里斯失意行走在马达加斯加的荒野上。突然,他被一瓶从天而降的香水砸中脑袋。朱利安灵机一动,决心利用这瓶“九号爱药(Love Poison 9)”大做文章,重新成为万众瞩目的明星。狮子亚历克斯(本·斯蒂勒 Ben Stiller 配音)、斑马马蒂(克里斯·洛克 Chris Rock 配音)、河马格洛里亚(…
- 第34季第15集共和党领袖Harry和众议院议长Nancy'召开了新闻发布会,商讨两党在经济刺激计划上的合作....本期主持Bradley Cooper,他刚刚出演了《他没有那么喜欢你》,他还给观众们展示了他从Actor's Studio里出道的视频,还表演了怎么演好一个坏人。在NBC的Today节目上,Kristen不断的挑剔灯光师还有她的搭档,节目请来了B先生为女士们展示如何…
- 特别篇开始,Mary(米歇尔·道克瑞 Michelle Dockery 饰)已经怀孕,一家人到苏格兰Rose家度假,留在庄园的Tom(艾伦·里奇 Allen Leech 饰)在Isobel和新女仆Edna的劝说下和众仆人打成一片,令管家Carson(吉姆·卡特 Jim Carter 饰)颇为头痛。没有了主人的仆人们似乎生活更加轻松和随意。众人一起去了集市,而Jimmy对Thomas(罗伯…