- Students is a Romanian film from 1986, directed by Nicholas Corjos. The love story of two "buds" who fall in love. Michael is a provincial reached a high school in Bucharest, where his passion for philosophy and mathematics will be eclipsed by love and Dana is a passionate chess championships. Th... Student…
- 故事重返上世纪90年代,终极反派宇宙大帝(科尔曼·多明戈ColmanDomingo配音)从天而降,驱使以天灾(彼特·丁拉基PeterDinklage配音)为首的恐惧兽掀起地球危机。绝境之中,蛰伏许久的巨无霸终觉醒,联合汽车人变形出发,一场前所未有的决战即将上演。