- 相貌平平的21岁女孩敬丹,从十年前就对自己的好朋友,帅帅的联宇一见钟情。由于对自己的外表不自信,敬丹始终没有勇气向联宇告白。然而,还有三个月联宇就要出国了,敬丹能在这期间改变自己吗?身边的女神朋友,会成为两人的助推还是阻碍?
- 圍繞校園和青春為主題,每集請嘉賓分享讀書時期所發生的事情,重現校園生活的美好時光。話題偏及青春往事、學校制度、校園文化、深刻經歷、同窗知己、純真愛情、瘋狂回憶及有趣秘聞等等。越問越過癮!
- The 1989 animated feature adapted by Disney for TV in a prequel that leads up to the events of the film.The adventures of Ariel and her friends at the age of fourteen. From her first known trouble with Ursula to her collection of human objects, the show illustrates the princess's journey as she finishes growing up. It …