- 十年前,三兄弟朝夕相处情同手足。一次打架过程中,老三用刀伤人,老大顶包坐牢。十年后,老大出狱,老三已经是个小老板,老二虽然花心,但妻子管制严格。物是人非,三兄弟间出现了裂痕。金哥阴狠毒辣,早就想侵吞老三生意,如今设下美人计圈套迫使老三陷入困境,又绑架了老三女友小颖。三兄弟查出金哥是幕后黑手,尽管金哥人多势众,但三兄弟携…
- A little cat is being mercilessly tormented by a mean bulldog until one day he meets a black cat who offers a bad-luck service. Whenever the little cat blows a whistle, the black cat comes out, and the bulldog is struck down with an attack of bad luck. Things look bad for the bulldog until he realizes that a cat's colo…