- Eureka is a 1983 British-American drama film directed by Nicolas Roeg. It is the story of a Klondike prospector, Jack McCann (Gene Hackman) who strikes it rich, yet ends up fearing that his daughter Tracy (Theresa Russell) and his son-in-law (Rutger Hauer) are scheming to take his wealth and his soul; moreover, greedy …
- 本片将一群不拘一格的艺术家、评论家和学者带到了英国郊外,来了解英国人是如何通过艺术来描绘本国的美丽风光的,探究为何英国田园画能到达到如今的崇高地位和影响力。从查尔斯五世时期的佛兰德斯人到数字时代大卫霍克尼的iPad,英国田园风景画将英国的光辉历史显露无疑。电影制作人尼克罗格,历史学家丹斯诺,小说家威尔赛尔富等名人都参与到本…