搜索 戴维·霍克尼

  • 电影剧情
    剧情简介 著名魔术师与揭秘组合潘恩&泰勒联手探究荷兰著名画家维梅尔,试图找出其画作得以捕捉完美光线后的原因。他们还请来发明家蒂姆·詹尼森利用光学仪器复制维梅尔的油画,完美重现名作风采。 蒂姆的维米尔 Tim's Vermeer 获奖情况 第64届美国剪辑工会奖 (2014) 纪录片最佳剪辑(提名) Patrick Sheffield 第19届评论家选择…
  • Artist David Hockney discusses his theory that artists were secretly using optical devices such as mirrors and lenses in creating their work as early as the 15th century. Examples from Flemish and Italian art are studied as he examines how famous paintings have had their noted mysteries newly solved; he also makes comp…
  • 现画家大卫-霍克尼(David Hockney)艺术创作和感情生活的1975年的纪录片《水花四溅》(A Bigger Splash)由杰克-哈赞(Jack Hazan)执导的《水花四溅》,用摄影镜头真实记录了1970年代早期已经成为国际知名绘画艺术家的霍克尼的创作、感情生活以及从英国前往美国的过程。影片还结合了真实记录和电影创作的形式,呈现霍克尼与男友的感情关系、和…
  • Metropolitan Museum of Art curator Henry Geldzahler reflects on the 1960s pop art scene in New York.
  • ‘Wider perspectives are needed now,’ states David Hockney, referencing both technical ways of seeing and the parameters of what we choose to view, in this spirited documentary spanning the artist’s career. Director Randall Wright – whose p…
  • 《康熙南巡图》,这幅著名的中国卷轴画描绘了康熙皇帝在1689年第二次访问他的南方帝国。这幅画是由王翚(1632-1717)和他的助手们创作的。霍克尼将这幅画卷更流畅的空间描绘与后来由徐阳和他的助手——乾隆皇帝南巡(1764-1770)——绘制的画卷《乾隆南巡图》进行了对比。
  • This film invites a stellar cast of interviewees from across the arts to reflect on the contribution of lesbian and gay people to British cultural life since the decriminalisation of male homosexuality 50 years ago.Ranging broadly across popular culture, the visual arts, literature, theatre and film, the programme cele…
  • “Privileged access to Hockney’s creativity” – GQ MagazineDavid Hockney的《藝術家肖像(泳池與兩個人像)》去年在拍賣會以高價成交,一再確立他當代殿堂級藝術家的地位。英國國寶級藝術頑童David Hockney 以pop art色彩叱咤著二十世紀,泳池畫像早已成為他簽名式的創作,然而多年來他從沒為自己設限,一直在探索不同媒介,試圖彌補不同…