- Precocious, bohemian teenager Placid Lake, finishes high school and decides to do the one thing that will annoy his new age parents the most--go straight! With a few weeks spent reading a library of self-help manuals, Placid has it all sorted out--and he has the haircut and the cheap suit to prove it. Can Placid Lake r…
- ASHBYisacomingofage/approachingdeathcomedydrama.Aseventeen-year-oldkid(Ed)tryingtounderstandwhohewantstobeintheworld,befriendsaterminallyillex-CIAcontractkiller(Ashby)whoistryingtomakepeacewithhislifeandGodbeforehegoes.'Makingpeace'mightjustentailkillingthreeoldbosseswhohavetrickedhimintobreachinghisstrangemoralcode.