- Set in a small West Virginia mining town nestled in the foothills of Appalachia, THE EVENING HOUR tells the story of a small-time drug dealer, Cole Freeman, who is driven to action and redemption in response to a set of unexpected circumstances that threaten to tear the close-knit fabric of family, friendship, land, an…
- MTV音乐电视网亚洲区盛事“2008 MTV亚洲音乐大奖”于2008年8月2日在马来西亚云顶娱乐城的云星剧场举行。这个为表彰亚太区出色音乐人而设的颁奖典礼,2008年已步入第六个年头。作为亚太地区最大规模及最具代表性的音乐盛典,“2008 MTV亚洲音乐大奖”不仅将汇集亚洲区最受欢迎的歌手,而且也将吸引世界级的巨星出席。颁奖盛况向超过二亿九千一百…