搜索 李大烨

  • 外号“黑发”的妍实是黑社会老大的情妇,她曾经和老大手下万浩有暧昧,且有金钱关系。吸毒成瘾的万浩以曝光两人关系为把柄,威胁妍实筹集更多金钱。出于无奈,妍实把钱给了万浩。但是他们的关系还是被老大获知,根据帮规,老大指使手下将妍实毁容并抛弃。无处可去的妍实只好沦为妓女。一天,妍实遇到一位出租汽车司机,并留在其住所。妍实仍准备…
  • 在仁川登陆作战的江大硕部队的队员们向北进军,经过自己的故乡。故乡因为战争变得一片狼藉,人们流离失所。在这里,北韩人民军无论是抓住个人或全家都将其杀害,这种南北理念上的的对立,导致兄弟之间都会反目成仇,互为敌人。在郑源洙和安向民的村庄里,队员们和村民与包围过来的共军发生了激烈的冲突,血流成河,这些士兵成了不能回来的海兵。…
  • The end of 1940s is in extreme chaos of ideology. Park Nam-Pyo, a leader of the communist party in South Korea, is assassinated during his address in a lecture meeting. Inspector Park arrests Jung-Kwon as the criminal. Kwon is released thanks to the plot of the party's underground organization but is executed by the pa…
  • Dal-su, an owner of a judo school, taught his daughter Sun-ae judo so that she could defend herself. But she uses her judo skills on her husband whenever she is displeased with him. Knowing this, Dal-su summons her to the gym. And he completely beats her in a match, teaching her the real meaning of judo. She sees how s…
  • 英友和他的朋友们在李成浩老师的带领下组建了学生独立团,专门捣毁日本人的主要设施。为了躲避日军的追击,他们不得不告别家人和爱人,远渡豆满江,投奔身在满洲里的同志。英友得知妻子英爱已身怀有孕,仍决定毅然离开。英爱的舅舅为了取得矿山方面的利益把英爱一直携带在身边的学生独立团的照片交给了日本人。英友母亲在日军的严刑拷打下离开人…
  • Seventeen-year-old Iva is in the process of coming to terms with the death of her mother. Influenced by this deep personal loss and by the discovery that she didn’t know everything about her mom, the girl slowly immerses herself into a strange, almost dreamlike world. Sonja Prosenc’s movie is dominated by a distinctive…
  • A killer is stalking members of Mr Choi's family and leaving a black rose behind at each murder scene.