- 影音DVD CD-ROM遊戲互動光碟★準備好你的膽量與好奇,玩整163分鐘、讓街頭霸王帶你再次入侵惡靈古堡、親自操刀惡整魔頭與2D, Kuso貼身感受Gorillaz超瞎的黑色幽默。★警告:裝頭昏、假心悸、過High導至呼吸短促、整人後心律不整、起笑後之莫名胸痛、街頭霸王之高血壓症、魔頭靈異體質、與患有小麵心臟血管疾病患者、嚴禁開啟此光碟。★360?…
- The documentary film about the virtual band Gorillaz, created by Damon Albarn and Jamie Hewlett, will premiere at the Berlin Film Festival on Wednesday (February 13).'Bananaz' was made by filmmaker Ceri Levy, who documented the process of the band's creation and career from 2000 to 2006.The film includes footage of the…