- 每个超级英雄都知道打击犯罪是件全职工作。蝙蝠侠有他最强大的朋友们保护哥谭市,黑暗骑士出去度假的时候超人来当替补。小丑从阿克汉姆疯人院疯人院逃出来了,事态非常严重……
- The team's camping break is interrupted when a pod crashes nearby. The occupant has no memory who she is or where she came from. Sunder soon arrives to retrieve her.
- Vilgax has beaten the heroes of ten planets and taken their powers as his own. Now he's looking for Ben.
- 小班是一位十岁大的男孩,他的生活,因为一个撞上地球的陨石而永远改变。从天而降的陨石带来了超能仪,让他拥有变身成十种以上外星英雄的能力,而每一个英雄都有独特的神奇力量。从此,小班成为一个超级英雄。在爷爷马克与堂妹小玟的帮助下,肩负起保卫世界的任务。* 经久不衰的少年骇客系列动画的最新作,让我们在这里继续我们的英雄梦。
- The creators of Phineas and Ferb present a series about the descendant of the namesake for Murphy's law, which states that if anything can go wrong, it will.