- Die Animationsfilme der Weimarer Republik genießen aufgrund ihrer künstlerischen Experimente bis heute Weltruf. Unter dem Motto »Film als Kunst« (Rudolf Arnheim) entwickelten Walter Ruttmann, Viking Eggeling, Hans Richter, Rudolf Pfenning…
- Senator Isaak Kohler shoots and kills Professor Winter in a crowded restaurant, while Winter is dining with the struggling idealistic young lawyer, Felix Spat. Kohler puts up no defense and is sentenced to twenty years. Kohler then gets his daughter Helene to pay the reluctant Spat to reinvestigate the case, on the ass…
- When Edith Howland's husband abandons her for a younger woman, leaving her with their alcoholic son and his senile uncle, she begins recording details of an imaginary, much more successful life where she has friends and grandchildren. However, this diversion soon grows unhealthy when she becomes slowly convinced that t…