- 科米蛙将面对最大的挑战:布偶团正在进行欧洲巡演,到达了柏林、马德里、伦敦等令人兴奋的城市。但很快一个和科米蛙长得几乎一模一样,却操着一口带有浓重俄国口音英语的青蛙大盗康斯坦丁,摇身一变,和他的搭档多米尼克混入了布偶团,而可怜的科米蛙则被蒂娜·菲饰演的狱警娜佳打入大牢,身陷囹圄。此外,《摩登家庭》男星泰·布利尔将饰演国际…
- Presentation that includes incredible short movies with some of the world's biggest actors. In "Friend Request Pending", Judi Dench is a neophyte in the complicated landscape of Internet dating. Colin Firth is an unusually needy neighbor to Keira Knightley in "Steve." Lily Tomlin gets lost on her wa…
- Rich and Benny are having trouble with the ladies, until they befriend a demon named Az. It's a non-stop party until a soul hungry beast leaps through an open portal from the underworld and starts terrorizing the town. It's up to Az and the boys to send the creature back to the depths where it came from, and look good,…
- 又是一年情人节,遭到流放的自大狂朱利安正和忠实的莫里斯失意行走在马达加斯加的荒野上。突然,他被一瓶从天而降的香水砸中脑袋。朱利安灵机一动,决心利用这瓶“九号爱药(Love Poison 9)”大做文章,重新成为万众瞩目的明星。狮子亚历克斯(本·斯蒂勒 Ben Stiller 配音)、斑马马蒂(克里斯·洛克 Chris Rock 配音)、河马格洛里亚(…