- "Low Fidelity" is a dramedy in the vein of "The Big Chill" about three couples in their 30s trying to navigate the pitfalls of marriage and infidelity.<Low Fidelity>是由三个故事组成的爱情轻喜剧,讲述三对年过三十的夫妻努力去拯救他们的婚姻。
- Tom Sawyer and his pal Huckleberry Finn have great adventures on the Mississippi River, pretending to be pirates, attending their own funeral and witnessing a murder.
- 《马普尔小姐探案》第五季:白马酒店、名苑猎凶、蓝色天竺葵、破镜谋杀案。世界推理史上与波罗、福尔摩斯比肩的“安乐椅神探”——马普尔小姐隆重登场!目光慈祥,容颜清癯,银发如霜,小乡村里,安乐椅上,摇啊摇地编着白色羊毛衫——这么一位普普通通的老太太,怎么就成了推理史上声名显赫、令江湖恶棍闻风丧胆的乡村女神探?只能说,案件是复…
- The tracer detects the second segment on the planet Calufrax. The TARDIS makes a bumpy landing, and the Doctor and Romana soon discover that they are not on Calufrax at all. They are in fact on Zanak, a planet that has been hollowed out and fitted with engines so that it can transmat through space and materialise aroun…