- Dois Corregos (Two Streams) is a rites-of-passage film about three young women whose lives were marked in the summer of 1969 when they met Hermes, a political exile who had clandestinely returned to his country. The film starts in present-day Brazil when Ana Paula arrives with her lawyer at the small town of Dois Corre…
- 大峡谷Grand Canyan位于美国亚利桑那州西北部科罗拉多河中游、科罗拉多高原的西南部,是地球上最为壮丽的景色之一,由深邃的山谷所夹峙,分成南壁与北壁两部分。南壁因交通方便,也有旅社等设施,而且在冬季雪期,仍能欣赏天然奇景,因而成为观光大峡谷的中心。自冰河时代开始,直到今天,在无数世纪间,科罗拉多河不断地侵蚀大地,终致形成这一…
- 大型文博探索节目《国家宝藏》2020新春特别节目《“黄河之水天上来”国宝音乐会》。国宝音乐会以黄河地理为脉络,顺流沿线九个省区,引九件国宝重器,探索黄河的前世流转,演绎文明的今生乐章。用文艺的形式让国宝活起来!