搜索 王静君

  • 金山戈(唐威)為一浪跡天涯之江湖客,因見金人入侵河山破碎,乃思投在張哲元帥麾下從軍報國。一夜遇見丞相之子與兩惡少在酒樓飲酒作樂,仗勢欺人與之發生衝突大打出手,丞相之子不幸為惡少失手刺死,誣山戈所為,元帥亦誤為山戈所刺,欲押解發配邊地,途中遇金兵攔阻,差官逃走無蹤,山戈藝高膽大打的金兵落花流水,山戈亦解枷鎖。元帥張哲為金…
  • 电影喜剧
    The movie is about a young woman named Emma who is getting married to the love of her life at a wedding taking place at a resort in Phuket, Thailand. Emma learns while there that her mother, Lana, had her heart broken in college by her soon-to-be husband RJ’s father. This news puts a whole new light on what’s supposed …