- Set in an imaginary modern-day Spain, a divided country on the brink of political chaos, its main character is Antonia , a young investigative journalist who, by chance, stumbles upon a conspiracy that was cooked up decades ago: she learns of the existence of a cryogenically frozen super-agent, García , who was created…
- 《星际迷航:下一代》(简称TNG)是《星际迷航》系列的第2部剧集,台湾翻译为《银河飞龙》,于1987-1994年共播出了7季。该剧讲述的是在24世纪,《星际迷航:原初系列》(简称TOS)的八十年后,Picard舰长率领企业号D继续探索太空的冒险故事。每一集的开头都有这样一段话:「宇宙,人类最后的边疆,这是星舰企业号的旅程,它所持续的使命,是为了探索陌…