搜索 百年

  • 《三百年前》是长春电影制片厂译制完成于1958年的一部前苏联彩色故事片。十七世纪,乌克兰地区的人民受到鞑靼人和波兰贵族的军队的疯狂掠夺和压迫,时刻面临着亡国的威胁。英勇的乌克兰人民在他们的统帅,波格丹 赫米里涅斯基的领导下,一面英勇地奋起抵抗外国侵略者的入侵,一面积极促成和强大的邻国俄罗斯民族合并为一个国家,以便俄罗斯民族…
  • 明治42年,弘前,名叫大森贤治(中田敦彦 饰)的青年凭借秘制的佐料熬出美味的汤汁,他的面摊吸引了无数顾客,随后又与在战争中失去丈夫的丰(早织 饰)结婚,历经无数挫折与苦难,贤治建立起自己的大森食堂。百年岁月,倏忽而过,进入21世纪,第三代传人大森哲夫(伊武雅刀 饰)在这个日新月异的快节奏时代里苦心经营着这家日薄西山的百年老字…
  • 从1919年初到1920年底,近2000名中国进步青年远涉重洋,到达法国,勤工俭学。他们一边做工,一边读书,努力追求真理,寻求改造中国的途径和方法。他们是新中国的缔造者和建设者,他们让中国站起来、富起来。
  • American Photography: A Century of Images is a remarkably complete, high-caliber PBS presentation of who Americans were and are, using 20th-century images that capture everything from the everyday to the once-in-a-lifetime. While of course you'll see many photographs, some familiar and some new, you'll also learn about…
  • The movie takes place in four periods: the first, a group of female Christians are raped and crucified in 18th century Japan. The second deals with a man who beats his cheating wife and her lover. The third, and the most interesting, is set in WW2 where inquisition soldiers torture, rape and abuse female traitors, and …
  • The Polish doco for the BFI’s Century of Cinema distinguishes itself from all the others in the series by being the only one not to have any film critics, academics, directors, etc providing a commentary. Instead it takes the refreshing ro…
  • 该片将反应邵逸夫传奇的一生
  • 电影爱情