搜索 米基·卡罗尔

  • 这是个空前绝后的浩大帝国,高深莫测、残暴无道、却又有无数伟大的发明。这也是唯一延续长达四千年之久的帝国——古代中国。无所不能的皇帝出动无数民兵,打造人类史上,无可比拟的建筑奇观。美轮美奂的陵墓中,以水银灌注作为江河,很难相信像这样伟大的工程,竟是完全出于人手。世界上最长的运河,古今中外所发动规模最大的海军舰队。这些都远…
  • 建造帝国
    Engineering an Empire is a program on The History Channel that explores the engineering and/or architectural feats that were characteri stic of some of the greatest societies on this planet. It is hosted by Peter Weller, famous for his acting role as RoboCop but also a lecturer at Syracuse University, where he complete…