- Armi Ratia is the woman behind the legendary design company Marimekko and a worldwide celebrity. A theatre company has taken on the task of trying to portray the life and work of this complex person. The play focuses in Armi’s life between the years 1949 and 1968, when she founds the fashion company, leads it to an int…
- 第42届全美音乐奖于2014年11月23日在洛杉矶诺基亚剧院举办,以表彰2013年度最受欢迎的歌手和专辑。提名于2014年10月13日由杰森·德鲁罗和Charli XCX共同公布,伊基·阿塞莉娅以6项提名成为该届提名最多的艺人。ABC电视台现场直播了颁奖典礼。2014年10月2日,嘻哈斗牛梗被确认当选本届主持人。值得一提的是,本届AMA中张杰和筷子兄弟均出席了…
- Education is a human right that years of war in Afghanistan have reduced to a privilege. Scores of poverty stricken youth have no understanding of what it means to learn something beyond the basic street hustling skills needed for begging, selling, or pickpocketing. This is the result of the decade-long fighting that h…
- 《中美舞林冠军对抗赛》邀请到最尖端的编舞团队,如“So you think you can dance”《舞林争霸》中方美方原班人马;电影“Step up”《舞出我人生》主创团队,以及美国最具影响力的舞蹈团体“The LXD”非凡舞团等。同时来自中国歌剧舞剧院、北京歌舞剧院、上海歌舞团、浙江歌剧院、CCTV电视舞蹈大赛金奖等众多首席冠军将组成史上最强阵容的“中国…