搜索 索姆

  • 电影剧情
    该片剧本排2018年好莱坞“剧本黑名单”第二,讲述理查德·威廉姆斯的真实故事,这位精明务实、不屈不挠、没有任何网球背景的父亲培养 出了两个网球天才,她们后来成了超级巨星——维纳斯·威廉姆斯和塞雷娜·威廉姆斯。   理查德·威廉姆斯为女儿们的职业网球生涯起草了一份78页的计划,女孩们在康普顿破旧、杂草丛生的公共球场上学会了这项运…
  • Somsri is a teacher in one of Bangkok's slums, teaching the slum kids as best she can in a beat up old building with no budget for equipment or books etc. At the time the film was made (or is set), 1/5th of Bangkok's population was apparently living in slums. Somsri is also the leader of a slum committee, organized pri…
  • Award-winning actor Konkona Sensharma makes her feature debut as a writer-director with this coming-of-age story about a shy young Indian student who quietly and fatefully unravels during a family road trip.
  • The Heroes of the Somme uses original archive from the Western Front to uncover the stories of seven of the men whose remarkable bravery won them the Victoria Cross, Britain's most prized military medal.The WWI Somme offensive lasted 141 days and involved 13 Allied nations fighting 14 separate battles. Day One of the b…
  • 由艾里克·西格尔(Eric Siegel)和安东尼·莱昂迪斯(Anthony Leondis)创作剧本,后者还将导演这部电影。根据介绍,《Emoji大电影》有些像《头脑特工队》和《无敌破坏王》,讲述的是一群表情包在你的手机里的冒险。这群表情包住在“Emoji山谷”里,他们的世界通过手机桌面与其他App的世界相连。据悉,索尼已经与很多家知名的App达成协议,…
  • 电影犯罪
    根据布克奖得主Pat Barker的小说《Border Crossing》改编,Bette Gordon的这部心理恐怖片讲述了一位犯罪心理学家因为愧疚在多年之后对一桩旧案展开重新调查的故事。男主角因为提供的证词,而使一名年轻男孩被冠上谋杀罪并送进监狱。满怀愧疚的他,在多年后再次与男孩不期而遇。于是无法忍受内心折磨的他,展开了一系列对于旧案极具破坏性的追查…
  • 电影剧情
  • 当一个死去的、久负盛名的士兵以嗜血的僵尸的身份返回军事基地时,敌对的受训者群体聚集在一起,踏上了一段古怪的生存之旅。
  • 來自巴勒斯坦的美國籍阿拉伯男子法拉罕,與父母一同住在紐約,年屆三十仍未婚,他的父母一直催婚並安排多次與阿拉伯女子的相親,但他都沒興趣,他的朋友勸他搬離父母家,但他沒錢又剛被公司炒魷魚,他的朋友提議綠卡婚姻,可以讓他小賺一筆,沒想到對像是來自以色列的猶太女孩…
  • Beneath the Somme battlefield lies one of the great secrets of the First World War, a recently-discovered network of deep tunnels thought to extend over several kilometres. This lost underground battlefield, centred on the small French village of La Boisselle in Picardy, was constructed largely by British troops betwee…