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  • 电影穿越
    貌不惊人的阎安妮(奥卡菲娜 Awkwafina 饰)是一家公司的平凡小职员,许是性格的原因,又或者是种族的缘故,她在公司内就如同透明一般的存在,几乎不会参与到集体讨论中去,而他人也有意无意忽视着这个黄皮肤的女孩。这天,一通来自养老院的电话打乱了安妮的一切,她的妈妈与人私 奔,留给女儿的只有8万美元的债务以及多年未曾谋面的姐姐珍妮(…
  • K-POPS!
    The film is about a washed-up musician from Los Angeles who attempts to reinvigorate his career by joining the band for a K-Pop competition show in Seoul and discovers that his long-lost son has the chance to front one of the country’s hottest new groups. He jumps at the opportunity to capitalize on his son’s stardom f…