- In 1943, revolutionary inventor Nikola Tesla died penniless in the New Yorker Hotel. Within 24 hours the U.S. government seized everything in his room. But one design was already missing. Seventy years later in Buffalo, NY, a brilliant young engineer has found it. And the only person she can trust is a low-rent detecti…
- A story of a police who infiltrates inside Yakuza which has business in US soil. But soon he discovers the beauty and respect of family he's offered place in.. Companela's guys, Italian mafiosos are seen arrogant and dumb, while Japanese criminals are somewhat peace loving; a bit too romantic setting. But still, not ba…
- 吉姆·卡明斯自编自导并参与演出的惊悚黑色喜剧[雪谷之狼](The Wolf of Snow Hollow,暂译)发布第一批剧照,吉姆扮演正在戒酒的混混警官,他坚信小镇来了连环杀手,但小镇居民却认为那是一个狼人。瑞琪·琳德赫姆扮演他理智的搭档,去年十月过世的罗伯特·福斯特则扮演他的父亲、也是小镇警长,这是福斯特最后一次大银幕演出。本片将于10月9…
- 杰克在纽约的广告界工作,外表光鲜,生活看起来也像广告一样浮华。吉尔则刚来到纽约不久,甚至还没站稳脚跟。但是她有着满腔的热情,以及许多罗曼蒂克的想法。这两个性格相反的人,被彼此所吸引,迅速陷入了爱河。为了生活得更融洽,他们一起制定了“同居条款”,然而吉尔经常无缘无故失踪几天,也不解释原因,杰克对此有些恼火,觉得吉尔违反了…