搜索 罗伯特·麦金

  • Barnyard Dawg invites Foghorn to see a total eclipse for free. Foghorn takes the bait, placing his head through a hole in a fence and Dawg smashes a pumpkin over Foghorn's head. To get revenge, Foghorn sets up a prank by dousing water over Dawg, luring him around a tree, and then punching the Dawg with a trick camera.H…
  • Daffy Duck cons a dog named Leopold into offering him a stay in his house, but he has to hide Daffy from his master, a Peter-Lorre style mad scientist who needs a duck's wishbone.
  • A Shakespearian dog, tired of being a pie-in-the-face looney tune, quits Warner Brothers to study dramatic acting and goes to his country house to practice the bard. He finds that two polite twin gophers have taken over his abode and angrily throws them out. They retaliate by violently heckling him in comical accordanc…
  • In this spoof of "The Jack Benny Program", a mouse with Jack Benny's personality and poor violin playing ability lives, along with a mouse version of Benny's valet, Rochester, in a hole in a wall of Jack Benny's own home. Jack the rodent takes a mouse version of Mary Livingstone out to dinner, and the two unw…
  • In this spoof of TV's "The Honeymooners", Ralph Crumden and Ned Morton are mouse versions of Jackie Gleason and Art Carney's characters on the TV show. When new human tenants move into the apartment where the Crumden and Morton couples live, Ralph and Ned try to gain access to a banquet of food in the people'…
  • Wile E. Coyote finds a spy kit and uses its contents (sleeping gas, a mail bomb, explosive putty, and a gadget-filled spy car) in his unsuccessful attempt to catch the Road Runner.
  • 大森林的正中央,身材矮小的棕兔“小不点”(梅尔·布兰科 Mel Blanc 配音)大惊失色,落荒而逃,好像见到了什么可怕的事物。他一路跑到兔八哥(梅尔·布兰科 Mel Blanc 配音)的洞窟内,神色慌张地讲述遇到了怪物的全过程。正在这时,一只毛茸茸的爪子伸进洞内,漫无目的的摸索着。兔八哥淡定自如,将一支点燃的炸弹放在毛爪掌心,伴随着震耳欲…
  • 梦幻王国好莱坞,承载着无数人的梦想与悲伤。阳光明媚世界,在游泳池的一角,大明星兔八哥(梅尔·布兰科 Mel Blanc 配音)正躺在太阳伞下休息,享受惬意舒适的美好时光。正在此时,电话铃声响起,电话的另一头希望体能够采访兔八哥,请他讲述从出生到成名的全过程。兔八哥点头应允,在他的描述下,我们知道兔八哥出生在人类的世界,从小展现出…