- This high-energy movie musical follows a group of influencers as they take up residence in a famed Hollywood apartment building to pursue their dreams of social media stardom. Voiced by an original script and score written by a diverse group of 20-something songwriters, the various characters of "1660 Vine" c…
- 该片是从《正义联盟:战争》开始的6年系列完结篇,“终结所有战争的一战”。讲述地球遇到大危机,大批DC超英对战达克赛德和他乌泱乌泱的队伍。“英雄变成反派,敌人变成盟友”,各个团队,各种爱恨情仇。
- According to the summary of the film, a wolf is a Little Red Riding Hood who has learned to make fun of herself. And that is the greatest superpower there is, because when we make ourselves the brunt of the joke, nothing can hurt us. Marta’s mutation process from Little Red Riding Hood to wolf takes several years and s…
- Laurence Fintch,(Robert Davi) Money Manager of Fintch Wealth Management Services, seems to have it all figured out to become the greatest financial fraudster through the use of his Digital, Virtual currency technology. Moments before he disappears into the darkness, he is arrested by the FBI. He strikes a deal to be br…