- 玛丽王后的电影在国内最有名的大概是索菲亚·科波拉拍的2006版,其次瑙玛·希拉主演的1938版也有一定名气,而让·德拉努瓦拍的这一版无论是国内还是国外都鲜有人知, 但这一版本有诸多优点,十分值得一看。首先,这一版本是法国人拍的,符合历史人物原本的身份背景,其次,这一版本总体来说要更为符合历史,本片中大量台词出自历史资料,十分还…
- Meek head clerk Kees Popinga realises at the same time as the police that owner De Koster has stripped his Dutch company clean because of his infatuation with a Parisian girl, Michelle. After a confrontation between the two men, De Koster ends up dead and Popinga makes off to Paris with the remaining money. There he co…
- Through her answers to police inspector Corbin's questions, investigating Dr Danieli's suicide, Catherine Racan draws her self-portrait. The ambitious young journalist indeed tells how she got to Paris with Pierre, her tender lover and how she soon got rid of him ; how she met brilliant, powerful newspaper editor Blais…
- At the end of the 15th Century, Rome is ruled ruthlessly by power mad and sex hungry Cesare Borgia, the eldest son of Pope Alexander VI. Following the advice of his chief adviser Niccolo Macchiavelli, Cesare Borgia decides to attempt to unify the country in order to become even more powerful. To this end he needs his s…