- 红色电话的铃声就是命令,电话一响,代号AT13的反恐小组马上开始行动。秘密组建和资助这个小组的是一个由多国政府和私人机构组成的国际联盟,其目的是将这个小组打造成抵抗全球恐怖活动的最后一道防线。这是一条高度保密的高科技电脑线路,只有当国际警察、特殊安全和军事机构掌握并证实了某个恐怖活动却又由于种种原因无法出手时,才会通过这条…
- The adventures of a gang of British workmen abroad. Combines black and white humour with moments of drama, poignancy and drunkenness. In series 1, the lads head to Germany seeking work, and are thrown together by virtue of shared nationality and a run-down wooden hut. The story follows the lads' relationships with wome…