搜索 迈克·列昂

  • 迈克迪里安第三作,出其不意,挑战疯狂喜剧类型,开宗明义纯属虚构,至于有没有实际影射,就留待观众自行参透。日本黑道贩毒走私,带货到菲岛的笨贼屡次失手,以为想出好桥万无一失,却仍然甩辘,更引来华人黑帮虎视眈眈。基斯杜化迪里安饰演二撇鸡痴心情圣,一心追求靓靓空姐,无辜卷入走粉惊魂,一盒奇怪录音带,内藏不可告人的黐线秘密。非常…
  • 在1982年的戛纳电影节,Wim Wenders带来了一个有趣的拍摄计划,他邀请了所有来到电影节上的导演,给他们一个房间,一架16毫米的摄象机,还有10分钟的胶片,请他们在这台承载过他们最初梦想的机器面前,在一个观察自己又被自己观察的见证者面前,陈述自己对于“The future of CINEMA”的看法。CINEMA,如果我们现在翻开一本中英辞典,会看见它在…
  • The film starts with a sneak peek before the camera starts grinding, as we see snippets of behind-the-scenes. The narrator introduces two character, the filmmakers, obsessed with the life of Jose Rizal. When the director starts talking to the camera, at once the set-up is established, it is a film within a film.The dir…
  • 在马尼拉工作的杂志摄影师朱恩在受难周期间回到故乡圣伊尔德丰索,在通灵期间,他迷恋上了一位名叫特蕾莎的神秘女子,特蕾莎失常梦游,行踪可疑,随着关系的不断推进,父亲不为人知的过去也逐渐浮出水面.....
  • Batch '81 follows the experiences of seven neophytes who are seeking acceptance into the Alpha Kappi Omega fraternity. One of the neophytes, Sid Lucero, tells the story through his eyes. For six monthes, the neophytes go through mental and physical humiliation through their "masters."   After initiation, the …
  • 拍完几部社会题材的电影后,迈克迪里安转到家庭伦理。建筑商人丧妻,设计师是单亲妈妈,他带着儿子,她带着女儿,本来续弦正好重组幸福家庭。两个小孩却像前世捞乱骨头,终日贴错门神,令父母头痛不已,却不自知,恨的反面根本是压抑的爱。虽无血缘关系,但始终是兄妹之恋,不能承受的爱意,只能发展成互相折磨彼此伤害的扭曲关系。到他们长大后…
  • 81浪潮Batch'81
    Batch '81 follows the experiences of seven neophytes who are seeking acceptance into the Alpha Kappi Omega fraternity. One of the neophytes, Sid Lucero, tells the story through his eyes. For six monthes, the neophytes go through mental and physical humiliation through their "masters." After initiation, th…
  • 走粉疯情画Kakabakabakaba?