- 武当掌门张三丰(洪金宝)为存弟子一点血脉,用毕生功力替无忌将寒毒驱除,结果惹来接班人宋青书妒忌,并联同峨眉女弟子周芷若(黎姿)对付无忌。直到明教圣女小昭(邱淑贞)的出现,张无忌终于摆脱自己的命运,先在断崖遇上高人授予“九阳神功”,随后在明教禁地练得“乾坤大挪移心法”。六大派为了歼灭明教,围攻光明顶,无忌得悉蒙古郡主赵敏…
- The larger-than-life story of Kim Dotcom, the "most wanted man online", is extraordinary enough, but the battle between Dotcom and the US Government and entertainment industry, being fought in New Zealand, is one that goes to the heart of ownership, privacy and piracy in the digital age. Three years in the ma…