- 「忍者戦隊ハリケンジャー」で悪役を演じた福澄美緒が主演のアクション時代劇。関ヶ原の合戦に破れ、斬首を逃れた大名・純ヰシ。しかし加藤清正配下の甲賀忍者の襲撃に遭い殺されてしまう。そんな時、小西の命で動いていた石川五右衛門とくノ一・蛍は…。
- Exiled Lord Yukinaga is betrayed by a ninja clan he and his family mercilessly killed in cold blood. But when the Lord's subordinate, a beautiful ninja Firefly, discovers the slain bodies, she uses the Sword of Deus to review Yukinaga - only to find the former Lord has become a demonic emissary of evil to avenge his de…