搜索 鲍华

  • 殷梅真大学毕业后预计前往美国深造留学,可是就在出国前结识了林磊,双人谈起恋爱也发生了关系,最后就在梅真出国读书发现自己已经怀了身孕,梅真不敢据实以告,只好办理休学打工养活自己和孩子。然而因为种种的原因,又导致梅真和林磊纷争不断感情起起伏伏,最后经过重重波折真爱通过了考验,终能有情人终成眷属。
  • 在这部轻松搞笑的电影中,哥伦比亚飞行员,伊涅斯托的飞机被迫降落在一个偏僻的小村庄。伊涅斯托的朋友,帕科是当地一个九岁的小男孩。因为帕科会西班牙语,他就当起了伊涅斯托的翻译。他把伊涅斯托介绍给村民们,讲述了他的英雄史迹,并动员村民一起帮助伊涅斯托修理他的飞机。电影根据真实事迹改编,并获得了 2011 年布斯特国际儿童电影节的最…
  • When a young wife discovers her husband of two years is involved with his beautiful secretary, she applies for a job as secretary to a business rival.When Jane Norton inadvertently discovers that Ken, her xiaokan.cc husband of two years, is dallying with his beautiful secretary, she decides to turn the tables by applyi…
  • 电影悬疑
  • Jimmy Sutton, tricky publicist for Consolidated Pictures, fetches teacher Trudi Hovland from snowy Minnesota to sunny Hollywood to test for the film of the best-seller "Girl of the North" - having come 436th in a competition several years earlier she is now next choice as leading lady. She gets the part, but …
  • The true story of famous Mormon leader Brigham Young and his battle to transport his people across the Rocky Mountains to settle in Salt Lake City. The plot focuses on two of his people, Jonathan Kent and Zina Webb, and the hardships they face along the way.
  • 故事框架是《基督山伯爵》的变种,同样是财富与复仇,与故事整体虽无太大联系。岛上风光却拍的格外迷人,喧宾夺主。吉恩·蒂尔尼短暂的出场、光彩照人。舞会一段,泰隆·鲍华又变身蒙面佐罗。上海电影译制厂译制配音演员:童自荣、刘广宁、毕克、程晓桦、杨成纯、孙逾峰、于鼎、邱岳峰、曹雷、李梓、乔榛
  • 有钱的富家女Sara Farley(Gene Tierney饰)一直被报纸编排中伤,某次在太阳谷偶然结识的年轻记者Thomas Jefferson Tyler(Tyrone Power饰)却想帮助Sara洗脱被报纸造谣的污名。善良的Sara十分感动却以报纸的销路为原因拒 绝了Thomas的请求,同时两人也开始暗生情愫。可是谁知道在报纸上写那些造谣文章的竟是Thomas本人,Thomas被揭…
  • In 1876, Duncan MacDonald joins the new, 300-member Mounted Police in western Canada, just in time for a dangerous mission. It seems the Cree Indians, raiding across the border in Montana, took two hostages for their safe return to Canada. But MacDonald, with only scout Natayo to help, will need all his diplomacy and t…